Through it all

You confront me in the midst of these tears
I cannot explain how, I just know it’s you
The internal peace that calms my souls anguish
You speak to me in love; the universal language
I cast out these fears,
I give you these doubts
My dreams were stolen from me
Yet I trust you to work things out
I never saw my wife walk down the isle
I still long to see my earthly Dad
Yet a day you blessed brought me a smile
You uplifted me when I was sad
We didn’t chose this pandemic Lord
We just got caught up in the midst of it!
So many suffering around the world Lord
How long before you come fixing it?
Why did you let me dream if it could not be?
Was there something I needed to learn?
I know this life is not all there is
The eternal place my soul yearns
You promise to be with us always
You can heal our broken hearts!
All the strength we need is supplied by you
In you we shine like glistening stars!
No fear conquers those with faith
We are not hopeless or in despair
We have courage and stand by grace
Trusting our eternal God to be there
When we pass through those testing fires
The flames will not harm us
Your spirit guides and fulfills your desires
Internal peace will calm us
Jesus Christ the author of peace
Our anchor through the storm
The light of the world will never cease
To love us through it all

Love and God bless


Published by Gospelroad#66

Whether the glass is half full or empty is a matter of perspective. The glass can be half full of air and half full of water at the same time. I see life as a gift that is wrapped up with great potential. Writing is one way this gift can be expressed. Words can bring can awaken life. This is why I love the word of God through the bible. It is the living word that can transform humans, societies and ultimately the world. Welcome to my world of words, I hope and pray God will bring these words to life for you!,

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