Blaughust – the blog challenge for August

Hey there, how are you? It’s hot isn’t it? Well, at least here in Europe! We have been sizzling in Portugal with an average of 30 degrees and next week that’s expected to climb. Yet Portugal has escaped the extreme heat. This kind of weather and craziness around the world only causes me to lookContinue reading “Blaughust – the blog challenge for August”

God does not want hell to be populated

The world has a misconception that God is an evil monster with a large stick that enjoys beating people into hell. This could not be further from the truth! The concept of hell, an eternity without God, is something that is difficult to comprehend, even for those who believe in Jesus! Why would a lovingContinue reading “God does not want hell to be populated”

Praying for the persecuted church #27

Hello again everyone! Hope all is well with you! We will continue praying for the persecuted church, today we are taking a trip to Cuba. Cuba’s communist regime is not tolerant of dissenting voices or any other institutions gaining influence or power. The church falls into both of these camps and, as a result, ChristiansContinue reading “Praying for the persecuted church #27”

Here’s to the prodigal

Here’s to those who have wondered from the faith. Who struggled with pain and have lost their way. Those who believed that everything would be okay. Yet were disappointment because life went astray. Christ still loves you and you are not forgotten! Remember that Christ is the rock when you hit the bottom. Christ leavesContinue reading “Here’s to the prodigal”

What is true freedom?

What is your definition of freedom? Some people believe freedom is being able to do whatever you want to do, but does that really mean we are free? Some believe it’s no longer having any responsibilities, but does that mean they stop looking after themselves? Is there really such a thing as freedom in thisContinue reading “What is true freedom?”

Praying for the persecuted church #26

Hello fellow bloggers! Let’s get back to praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Today we are taking a trip to Turkmenistan in Asia. What does persecution look like in Turkmenistan? There is no freedom of religion in Turkmenistan. The dictatorial government uses a huge network of police, secret services and local imamsContinue reading “Praying for the persecuted church #26”

Becoming bitter or better

I hate seeing what pain can do to some people. For some, pain makes them better people, for others it makes them bitter. Some are refined in the fire while others are burned. Over the last few years I have seen pain and disappointment slowly erode away a beautiful soul, and this is horrible toContinue reading “Becoming bitter or better”

Seeds in the desert

One day, a great storm arose and swept up a multitude of seeds. Those seeds were carried off into a desert and in time became embedded in the sand. There, the seeds remained, unbeknown to people who visited the desert. Then, a few years later a great rain storm swept across this desert. Those buriedContinue reading “Seeds in the desert”

God made the idol fall down!

Beautiful blue sea, so clear that you can see fish swimming and rocks gleaming on the ocean floor. The location is accessible by using my monthly bus pass! The 4 star hotel was luxurious with many tourists dwelling within, 2 pools, great food and a room with a sea view and wonderful decorations. There wasContinue reading “God made the idol fall down!”