As we think so we become

I was listening to a sermon the other day and a quote the pastor stated struck my attention. He said “our consistent thoughts of today will be who we are in a few years time”. That quote got me thinking about what I’m thinking about! I don’t know about you, but I don’t always pay attention to my thoughts, it’s like I have become desensitised to my own thinking. Yet is this what God says about our thoughts?

we cannot live a positive life with a negative mind” – quote unknown

Repetitive thinking is how strongholds are built and habits are formed. When we think about a certain sin and that sin becomes an action then we form a bad habit. When we think a certain belief about ourself such as “I’m a failure because I always fail”, then we build up a stronghold that makes us believe that we can never have success because we are prone to failure. Yet this works both ways! We can shift our minds into positivity the same way we do into negativity.

I was raised in foster care and suffered much rejection. This made me grow up with a rejection mindset and I was like a porcupine ready to prick anyone who came close to me. Those pricks were for my own protection… or so I thought. This mindset created in me an instability that led to many failed relationships and broken friendships. It took me many years to get over this but by Gods grace those days are over! Those days can be over for you too!

No one acts immediately on a radically bad thought, it comes after much meditation. This is why they call those who have been groomed by terrorists as those who have been “radicalised”. They are targeted and bombarded with violent videos, propaganda and teachings of Jihad (Islamic Holy war). This process involves the minds full engagement. The same as when those in communist countries put people in re-education camps to make them recite principles in line with the views of the communist regime.

Now, those examples are extreme, but they show the power of the influence upon our minds. This is why God says those who mediate on Gods words day and night are blessed (Psalms 1:1-3). Those who are filled with the word of God know how to live righteously. Our Godly thoughts lead to a Godly life.

We are carefully instructed to capture every bad thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Think about that quote.. “our consistent thoughts of today will become who we are in a few years”. So today, let’s start filling our minds with Gods word.

Proverbs 4:23 Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.

Love and God bless


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Published by Gospelroad#66

Whether the glass is half full or empty is a matter of perspective. The glass can be half full of air and half full of water at the same time. I see life as a gift that is wrapped up with great potential. Writing is one way this gift can be expressed. Words can bring can awaken life. This is why I love the word of God through the bible. It is the living word that can transform humans, societies and ultimately the world. Welcome to my world of words, I hope and pray God will bring these words to life for you!,

12 thoughts on “As we think so we become

    1. That’s so true what you said! It is very difficult to break out of it but once we do we are free indeed. Thank you for reading and commenting 🥰🙏

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  1. Mark DeJesus has some excellent YouTube resources on healing. Typically, rejected leads to a rejection mindset as you describe. It can also lead to an attachment style known as avoidant. Avoidant attachment makes relationships extremely difficult–with friends, spouse, etc. But a person can become more secure in attachment and receiving healing through a process. I interact with some avoidant style people weekly in ministry.

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    1. Thank you for the depth of your insight brother! I didn’t know about that so that’s a good lesson learned and explains issues I used to deal with. Hope all is well with you. God bless 🥰


  2. So true! Thank you for posting this. It’s a life long endeavor to reform our thoughts and to maintain a spiritual outlook throughout the day. Have you ever read James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh? It’s great.

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  3. I just love that you really do love God. So He put you through in all things you’ve faced so that you can come out tell the world your testimony. And also He’ll definitely do more things over your life. He’s not a man that He should lie, He’s firm to His word and promises. May He continue doing the great things to you. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting post.

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    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment! Praise God for the challenges we face, it makes our character stronger and produces patience, hope and perseverance. Hope all is well with you and that you are truly blessed by God! God bless 🙏

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